62 - Extra- Lua_04 copy
47 - Extra- Marte_09 copy
67 - Extra- Mercurio_06 copy
45 - Extra- Marte_07 copy
82 - Extra- Plutao_04 copy
037 -Saturno (lua) _01 copy
59 - Extra- Marte_16 copy
033 - Mercurio_04_Characters copy
54 - Extra- Marte_10a copy
80 - Extra- Lua_06 copy
030 - Mercurio_02_Characters copy
51 - Extra- Mercurio_05 copy
52 - Extra- Venus_05 copy
71 - Extra- Urano_05 copy
49 - Extra- Lua_05 copy
028 - Mercurio_01 copy
53 - Extra- Venus_06 copy
76 - Extra- Venus_10 copy
66 - Extra- Neptuno_03 copy
57 - Extra- Marte_13 copy
46 - Extra- Marte_08 copy
56 - Extra- Marte_14 copy
73 - Extra- Venus_07 copy
034 - Mercurio_05 copy
032 - Mercurio_03_Characters copy
040 - Plutao_02 copy
009 - Venus_02 copy
025 - Marte_05 copy
007 - Venus_01 copy
023 - Marte_04 copy
003 - Lua_02 copy
013 - Venus_04_Characters copy
005 - Lua_03 copy

VEGGIES IN SPACE - Concept Paintings.

These are just a few of about a hundred other environment concept art paintings I did for an animated series pre-production stage called "Veggies in Space". The goal was to find a mood for the scenery ; ( the added characters on some of the pics were not of my own design but created by another illustrator in the "Veggies in Space" project. I just implemented them on my artwork for composition value.